1 April 2025
2023/06/15 - 10:23 View: 325
Visit:325 2023/06/15 - 10:23
Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Islamabad

On the Occasion of the 34th Anniversary of the Demise of Imam Khomeini (RA) - June 2023

On the 34th anniversary of the demise of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini (R.A), we pay tribute to the exemplary character and high position of this great man of history. The outstanding personality of this Islamic scholar has always been a source of inspiration for freethinkers all over the world, and the great achievements of his life are long-lasting and inspirational.

The starting point of Imam Khomeini's movement was based upon the departure from and negation of the then-established order in the international arena based upon imperialism, arrogance, colonialism, capitalism, power and materialism on the one hand, and the effort to revive the religious values, morality and Islamic democracy on the other hand. The Iranian people as well as the freethinkers around the world pay homage to the Great Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran for the indefatigable struggles and the visionary leadership he made in the fight to revive Islamic values.

Unity of the Muslims and Proximity were among the engagements of Imam Khomeini as a necessary, possible and inevitable issue. They will guarantee peaceful coexistence, increase tolerance and contribute to the growth, development, prosperity and strength of the Islamic world as a whole. Undoubtedly, the enemies of the unity in the Islamic world try to create division, separation and misunderstanding, but by the grace of the God Almighty and the vigilance of the leaders of the Islamic countries, these conspiracies are now neutralized. New developments at the regional level indicates that the world is now on the verge of a great change and moving towards a new order based upon cooperation between the Muslim countries and built upon respect, goodwill and friendship. In the same wake, unity and proximity should be seriously followed through Unity Diplomacy the main axes of which include the religious commonalities between Muslims including; belief in the God Almighty, the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the unique Qiblah. Common interests and common threats of the Islamic Ummah, are the other pillars of the Unity Diplomacy that could be dealt with via cooperation and interaction.

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